Get to Know Me: 20 Facts to Break the Ice!

Hi! I’m Vanessa Renee. Blogging is definitely new to me. I thought it would be a good idea to tell you a little about myself so you can get to know me and get a feel for who I am. Hopefully, you’ll like what you read and want to explore the rest of my blog 🙂
1. I live in Florida, and have my entire life. I love living in Florida, mainly because it’s all beach. The beach is my happy place, I couldn’t imagine living somewhere where you had to drive more than an hour to get the ocean. Actually, the thought of living in a landlocked state kinda creeps me out. Maybe I’m just weird, but leave me by the sea.
2. I’m currently in college. I have settled (for now) on majoring in Marketing. I love Marketing because it’s where business meets creativity. I have always been a very organized, structured person, but that doesn’t mean I want to sit in an office all day! I want to work together with other people to create something bigger than myself. And when that project is done, I want to start a new one. I CANNOT do the same thing everyday for the rest of my life.
3. Before Marketing, I majored in Business Administration. I switched My major solely because I hated the required accounting classes. I freaked out and switched my major to the complete opposite of business admin., Interior Design, without thinking through it all the way. Once I processed what I had done, I gave it some thought and decided to meet in the middle of the two fields in Marketing. Funny enough, I still had to take the original accounting classes that I was trying to run away from once I switched to Marketing..
4. I’m pretty shy. Don’t get me wrong, I love to meet people and talk to them, but I’m really bad about initiating the conversation. I will sit by myself in a room full of people silently hoping that someone will come talk to me, when I could easily go talk to them first. To make matters worse, not many people come up to me to talk because apparently I look intimidating. I just forget to smile when I’m thinking though, so if you ever want to come and talk to me I promise I won’t actually be as rude as I look.
5. When I was little, my dream was to be a fashion designer. I used to spend hours drawing dresses and making shoe designs out of cardboard. One time I even held a fashion show for my family and used my little brother as my model.
6. My love for fashion and design comes 100% from my grandma on my dad’s side. She had the best style and she made sure I developed my own at a young age. My fondest memories of her were shopping for clothes together or just sitting and talking about fashion together at the dining room table. I think the most important lesson she taught me was how to dress in a way that was timeless. No matter what the trend was that year, her style was classic.
7. My favorite number is 9. I was born on the 9th of May. In class when they would number us, I was always 9. And most of the time, if I’m assigned a number or seated numerically, I get number 9. Even if I’m just looking around at my surrounding, 9 always seems to be there. It’s weird, but it’s almost calming to see or hear that number now, as if whatever I’m doing or where ever I am is meant to be.
8. Learning is probably my favorite thing to do. I didn’t really take into consideration how much I actually like to learn new facts until I started college. I feel that knowledge is the most valuable thing that anyone can ever own. You can never have too much of it, and there is always room for more. It is the one thing that no one can take away from you, and it makes your life so much richer. My favorite ways to learn are through reading and watching videos because I’m a visual learner.
9. I would describe my style as unique and girly, with a hint of edgy. I love to find pieces that nobody else is wearing. I might use the general idea of a trend, but I never want to look exactly the same as someone else. I stick to mainly neutral shades, but I love to throw in a nice pop of color here and there. All in all, I want to look classy without being boring.
10. I definitely shop on a budget. As you know, college is expensive. Furthermore, I don’t think you need to spend hundreds of dollars to look good. I like to shop at discount stores such as Ross or Burlington Coat Factory. These places often have very original clothing items at a fantastic prices. I always hit up the clearance section, discounted doesn’t necessarily mean bad. And if there’s one item I absolutely need, I’ll wait for it to go on sale or look around for the best price.
11. Alongside fashion, I LOVE interior decorating. So much, that I almost wanted to do it for a living. My Pinterest is full of color schemes for my future living spaces, and I guarantee you that I have my next three houses already planned out. I love the way that simple things, like a new rug or changing up the color on the walls, can make all the difference in a room. There are endless possibilities and it’s so fun to experiment and express yourself through your surroundings.
12. I’m obsessed with peanut butter. I could eat it everyday, with any meal. It started as a way to add extra protein to my diet, but it turned into a love affair. My favorite PB snack right now is peanut butter with tortilla chips. Nobody else thinks it’s good, but I love it, so back off.
13. I have absolutely NO talent. I can’t sing, or play a sport, or draw, or play an instrument. I did good academically, but that’s not really a “talent.” When it comes to anything creative or athletic, I was always decent, but not great. I like to think there’s always time to find what you’re great at, because I’m still pretty average at everything.
14. During at least one period in my life, I need to live in a big city. I’ve always been fascinated by the city. The lights and nonstop shuffle drew me in at a young age. I have lived in the same suburban house in the same boring town my entire live. I’m so eager to run to the skyscrapers and taxi cabs at this point.
15. Ironically, I’m terrified of heights. I want to live in a huge city, and I’m afraid of heights. To the point where I’ll have a panic attack if I’m up too high. I can’t explain to you why I do these things to myself, but I can’t help it. Hey, maybe living in a big city will knock the fear right outta me…..hopefully.
16. I’m pretty into fitness. A couple years ago I weighed 136 lbs, had no muscle, and ate very unhealthily. Since then, I’ve changed my diet and started exercising daily. I now am down to 110 lbs and am actually trying to build my way back up the weight scale by gaining muscle. I don’t necessarily know exactly what I’m doing, but I’ve noticed the changes that I have wanted for a while and I love my body right now.
17. Coffee keeps me going. This is so basic, I know. But I honestly do love coffee, so much so that I thought it deserved its own fact. I owe my mom for introducing me to my favorite coffee, Barnie’s Santa’s White Christmas. It’s technically a holiday coffee, but you can buy it any time of the year. The smooth taste is worth it. (bonus: it comes in Keurig packets)
18. I have an extensive bucket list. Some of my top items are to stay in an overwater villa in Bora Bora (they’re freaking awesome), go parasailing, and take a road trip across the US, but there are so many more. I just have too much to experience before it’s too late.
You made it to the bottom! Thanks for reading. Hopefully you got to know me a little better.



  1. Krys
    March 13, 2018 / 1:34 am

    My little princess! Youre so amazing babygirl 😊❤

  2. Your best friend,enough said
    March 13, 2018 / 3:05 am

    I’m so proud of you and your new blog love!

  3. Aunti Dani
    March 17, 2018 / 10:35 pm

    I love how you honored Mamaw, she loved talking fashion and shopping with you. ❤️

    • March 17, 2018 / 11:00 pm

      Aw thank you, I was nervous to put it in there. Didn’t know how it would go over with the fam.